Meaning of the Irish name Caitlin. Listen and learn how to pronounce Caitlin so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish girl name.
MEANING: Devotion to St. Catherine came to Ireland with Christianity. Revered for her courage and purity, Catherine in the Irish form, Cathleen, became such a popular name that W. B. Yeats chose it for the heroine of his 1899 play “The Countess Cathleen” which was inspired by an Irish folktale. In a time of famine the Devil offers food to the starving poor in exchange for their souls. But Cathleen convinces Satan to take her soul instead. When she dies the Devil comes to collect her soul but God intervenes and carries Cathleen to heaven, saying that “such a sacrificial act cannot justly lead to evil consequences.”
GENDER: Girl | Female
PRONUNCIATION: koit + leen” “kath + leen”
ENGLISH: Catherine, Kathleen
AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Caitlin and read along with the meaning)
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