Meaning of the Irish name Aedan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Aedan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name.
MEANING: A diminutive form of the name Aed meaning “”fire”” and would imply “”born of fire.”” It became a popular name in honour of St. Aidan of Iona (c. 630 AD) who founded a famous monastery on the island of Lindisfarne which he used as a base to evangalize the North of England. In art Aidan is usually represented as a stag, a reference to the legend that he saved a deer that was being hunted by making it invisible.
GENDER: Boy | Male
IRISH NAME: Aedan Aodhan
PRONUNCIATION: “”aid + an”” or “”aid + on””
ENGLISH: Aidan or Aiden
AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Aedan and read along with the meaning)
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