
Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish girls name Brigit

How To Pronounce Brigit?

What is the meaning and origin of Brigit?

The name Brigid from brigh meaning “power, vigour, virtue” epitomizes the Irish genius for layering old and new. The main female deity of the Celts, Brigid made the land fruitful and animals multiply, she blessed poets and blacksmiths. Her namesake St. Brigid of Kildare carried her powers into the Christian era. The stories of Brigid’s compassion and miracles are told now as they have been for more than 1500 years in every part of Ireland. She is equal in esteem and shares a grave with St. Patrick and St. Columcille. Her feast day, February 1st, is the first day of Spring in the Celtic calender.

What is the Gender for the Irish name Brigit?

Girl | Female

How do you spell it in Irish?

Brigid, Bridget or Brigit

What is the phonetic pronunciation and spelling of Brigit?

“bridge + it”

What is the english equivalent names of Brigit?
