Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish girls name Dearbhail
How do you pronounce Irish name Dearbhail?
What does the Irish name Dearbhail mean?
From der + fal “daughter of Fal”, “Fal” being an ancient name for Ireland.
What is the gender for the Irish name Dearbhail?
Girl | Female
Is Dearbhail a girls name?
Yes, Dearbhail is traditionally given to a girl.
How do you spell Dearbhail in Irish?
It is spelled “Dearbhail”, “Dearbhal” or “Deirbhile”.
How do you pronounce the Irish name Dearbhail?
It is pronounced “dare + voll” or “dare + villa”.
What is Dearbhail in English?
In English, Dearbhail is the same as Dervla.
Is Dearbhail a rare name?
Yes, Dearbhail is a rare name in Ireland. In 2021, there were less than three baby girls born with the name Dearbhail. Source: