Meaning of the Irish name Eimear. Listen and learn how to pronounce Eimear so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish girl name.
MEANING: Eimear possessed the “Six Gifts of Womanhood” – “beauty, a gentle voice, sweet words, wisdom, needlework and chastity!” She was bethrothed to the warrior Cuchulainn (read the legend) when they were children and they loved each other very deeply. But Cuchulainn had “a wandering eye” and Eimear endured this, realizing “everything new is fair,” but when he made love to Fand, wife of the sea god Manannan, Eimear confronted the lovers. After seeing the strength of Fand’s love she offered to withdraw. Touched by this display of unselfishness, Fand left Cuchulainn and returned to the sea. When Cuchulainn died Eimear spoke movingly and lovingly at his graveside.
GENDER: Girl | Female
AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Eimear and read along with the meaning)
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