Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish boys name Lorcan
How To Pronounce Lorcan?
What is the meaning and origin of Lorcan?
Means “silent” or “fierce” and was probably used as a nickname for a “brave warrior”. Sometimes equated with Laurence, Lorcan is a name in its own right. One Lorcan was the grandfather of Brian Boru, two kings of Leinster bore the name and St. Lorcan O’Tuathail, better known as St. Laurence O’Toole, was an influential bishop of Dublin and an important mediator between the Norman invaders and the Irish in the twelth century. The name is growing in popularity again in Ireland.
How do you spell it in Irish?
What is the phonetic pronunciation and spelling of Lorcan?
“lor + can”
What is the english equivalent names of Lorcan?
None known