
Meaning of the name Aiden. Listen and learn how to pronounce Aiden so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: A diminutive form of the name Aed meaning “”fire”” and would imply “”born of fire.”” It became a popular name in honour of St. Aidan of Iona (c. 630 AD) who founded a famous monastery on the island of Lindisfarne which he used as a base to evangalize the North of England. In art Aidan is usually represented as a stag, a reference to the legend that he saved a deer that was being hunted by … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Art. Listen and learn how to pronounce Art so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: In Ireland a seperate name from Arthur it comes from an ancient word for “”a bear,”” used in the sense of “”outstanding warrior”” or “”champion.”” A pagan High King of Ireland, Art’s rule was so honest that two angels hovered over him in battle. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Art PRONUNCIATION: ENGLISH: Arthur AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Art and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Art:Play Audio … Read more


Meaning of the name Arthur. Listen and learn how to pronounce Arthur so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: In Ireland a seperate name from Arthur it comes from an ancient word for “”a bear,”” used in the sense of “”outstanding warrior”” or “”champion.”” A pagan High King of Ireland, Art’s rule was so honest that two angels hovered over him in battle. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Arthur Art PRONUNCIATION: ENGLISH: Arthur AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Arthur and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Arthur:Play Audio for … Read more


Meaning of the name Brandon. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brandon so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: There are at least seventeen saints who bear the name but St. Breandan the Navigator is probably the best known. Tradition has it that he was born in County Kerry, set sail in a small boat with a group of monks in the early 6th century, visited an island inhabited by birdmen, rode on the back of a whale and was the first European to set foot on the shores of the Americas, nearly a thousand … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Brian. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brian so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: From brigh “”high, noble, strong.”” This is one of the most widespread Irish names ever, in honour of the most revered High King of Ireland, Brian Boru (read the legend) who defeated an army of invading Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014 but died of wounds he received in the battle. Kincora – a poem by James Clarence Mangan (translated). GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Brian PRONUNCIATION: “”bree + an”” ENGLISH: Brian (pron. “”bry … Read more


Meaning of the name Charles. Listen and learn how to pronounce Charles so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: cath “”battle”” and all “”mighty”” and signifies “”a great warrior.”” On his way home from a visit to Rome (c. 666 AD) St. Cathal was asked to fill the vacant see of Taranto in southern Italy and served as it””s prelate until his death. Known as St. Cathaldus, he is still venerated in the area and a fresh water stream in the bay is known as “”l’annello di san Cathaldo,”” “”the ring of St. Cathaldus,”” as it marks the … Read more


Meaning of the name David. Listen and learn how to pronounce David so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: It is an old Irish name meaning “”swiftness, nimbleness.”” Daithi, the last pagan king of Ireland, ruled from 405 AD to 426 AD, and he had twenty-four sons. Along with Crimhthan the Great (366 A.D.) and Niall of the Nine Hostages (379 A.D.) (read the legend) Daithi led Irish fleets to raid the Roman Empire. He was killed by lightning in the Alps and is buried under a standing stone called “”King Daithi’s Stone.”” As in … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Davin. Listen and learn how to pronounce Davin so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: From damh + -in meaning “”little deer.”” GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Davin PRONUNCIATION: ENGLISH: AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Davin and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Davin:Play Audio for Davin Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish names and what they mean. Discover 15 Lucky Irish Baby Names For Your Little One! The Irish Post – features Baby Names of Ireland! 100 Celtic Baby Names: Meanings … Read more


Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish boys name Declan How do you pronounce Irish name Declan? What does the Irish name Declan mean? From dag “good” and lan “full” suggesting “full of goodness”. St. Declan was the founder of a monastery at Ardmore in County Waterford and may have preached in Ireland before the arrival of St. Patrick. Many miracles are attributed to a rock on the beach at Ardmore known as St. Declan’s Stone. According to legend, on a trip back from Wales one of his disciples, Runanus, forgot Declan’s sacred bell. But a prayer from Declan and, miraculously, the stone carried … Read more


Meaning of the name Dermot. Listen and learn how to pronounce Dermot so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: “”without enemy.”” The name of early kings, legendary heroes and saints, Diarmuid was the lover of Grainne and the most beloved of that warrior band, the Fianna (read the legend). Grainne, as the daughter of Cormac Mac Airt, the High King of Tara, was betrothed to a much older man, the legendary Fionn Mac Cool (read the legend). When Grainne saw Fionn at the wedding banquet she realised he “”was not for her”” and put a a “”geis,”” … Read more


Meaning of the name Donald. Listen and learn how to pronounce Donald so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: domhan “”world”” and all “”mighty”” implying “”ruler of the world.”” “”Donal Og”” (“”Young Donal””) is the title of a fifteenth-century love song that is still popular among Irish traditional musicians and singers. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Donald Donal PRONUNCIATION: ENGLISH: Donald AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Donald and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Donald:Play Audio for Donald Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish names and what … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Fergus. Listen and learn how to pronounce Fergus so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: Derived from fear “”man”” and gus “”strength”” and signifies “”a strong warrior, virile.”” According to the legend of the Cattle Raid of Cooley (read the legend) Fergus was the king of Ulster and his lover, the cunning Nessa, duped him into letting her son Conchobhar rule in his place for a year so that in years to come her son could be called “”the son of a king.”” Fergus consented but after the year Conchobhar refused to relinquish … Read more


Meaning of the name Frank. Listen and learn how to pronounce Frank so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: The Irish form of Francis, a name originating from the figure of St. Francis of Assisi. The name means “”little French man”” and was popularised in Ireland by the Franciscans whose founder was St. Francis of Assisi. The Celts would have been responsive to the stories of St. Francis’s attitude to birds and animals. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Frank Proinsias PRONUNCIATION: “pron + she + iss” ENGLISH: Frank AUDIO: (Listen to the late author … Read more


Meaning of the name Gerard. Listen and learn how to pronounce Gerard so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Means “”brave with a spear”” or “”spear carrier.”” The name is associated with Gearoid Fitzgerald, the 3rd Earl of Desmond (1338-98) and leader of the most powerful Norman family in late medieval Ireland. It was believed he had magical powers and is reputed to protect the environment at Lough Gur, where he had a castle in County Limerick. In one story, when a local landowner planned to drain the lake or forbid local people access to … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Hugh. Listen and learn how to pronounce Hugh so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: Hugh is a translation of an ancient name Aodh meaning “”fire.”” A name with nationalistic connotations as Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone and Red Hugh O’Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell together led a rebellion and won some major battles against the forces of the English queen Elizabeth 1st, before being defeated at the Battle of Kinsale in 1601. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Hugh PRONUNCIATION: “”hue”” ENGLISH: AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce … Read more


Meaning of the name James. Listen and learn how to pronounce James so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: The Irish version of James. Many well-known Irishmen have been called Seamus including the 1995 Nobel poet laureate Seamus Heaney. The Nobel prize in Literature was awarded for his “”works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.”” GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: James Seamus PRONUNCIATION: “shay + muss” ENGLISH: James AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce James and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for … Read more


Meaning of the name Keiran. Listen and learn how to pronounce Keiran so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: ciar “”dark”” and the diminutive -in it means “”little dark one.”” Popular for over 1500 years, at least 26 saints have borne the name. The most notable, St. Ciaran of Clonmacnoise (c. 530 AD), was the son of a carpenter who studied with St. Enda for seven years and went on to establish a monastery at Clonmacnoise, on the banks of the River Shannon in County Westmeath. It became a major spiritual and educational center and despite being plundered … Read more


Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish boys name Niall How do you pronounce Irish name Niall? What does Niall mean? The name could come from “passionate, vehement” or from nel “a cloud”. Niall of the Nine Hostages (read the legend) was a fourth-century king of Tara who gained the throne because of a test – he and his brothers had to enter the forest and find their own food and shelter. As time wore on they grew thirsty and approached a well guarded by a hideously ugly woman. Before she would allow them to have a drink she asked for … Read more


Meaning of the name Noel. Listen and learn how to pronounce Noel so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: nollaig is the Irish word for Christmas and is given to boys or girls born on December 25th. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Noel Nollaig PRONUNCIATION: “null + ig” ENGLISH: Noel AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Noel and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Noel:Play Audio for Noel Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish names and what they mean. Discover 15 Lucky Irish Baby Names For … Read more


Meaning, pronunciation and origin of the Irish boys name Padraig How is Padraig pronounced? What does the Irish name Padraig mean? From the Latin patricius “nobly born”. The patron saint of Ireland, it is hard to differentiate between fact and myth. What is probably true is that he was born in Britain around 373 AD and was brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of seven, possibly by Niall of the Nine Hostages (read the legend). Forced to guard sheep on the Slemish Mountains in Country Antrim for six years he had a vision urging him to convert his captors. He … Read more


Meaning of the name Patrick. Listen and learn how to pronounce Patrick so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: From the Latin patricius “”nobly born.”” The patron saint of Ireland, it is hard to differentiate between fact and myth. What is probably true is that he was born in Britain around 373 AD and was brought to Ireland as a slave at the age of seven, possibly by Niall of the Nine Hostages (read the legend). Forced to guard sheep on the Slemish Mountains in Country Antrim for six years he had a vision urging him to convert … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Reilly. Listen and learn how to pronounce Reilly so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: Meaning “”courageous, valiant.”” A surname in Ireland that can be used as a given name. GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Reilly Riley PRONUNCIATION: “”rye + lee”” ENGLISH: AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Reilly and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Reilly:Play Audio for Reilly Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish names and what they mean. Discover 15 Lucky Irish Baby Names For Your … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Ronan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Ronan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: From ron “”a seal.”” Legend tells of a seal who is warned never to stray too close to the land. When the “”seal child”” is swept ashore by a huge wave, she becomes trapped in a human form, known as a “”Selkie”” or “”seal maiden.”” Although she lives as the wife of a fisherman and bears him children, known as “”ronans”” or “”little seals,”” she never quite loses her “”sea-longing.”” Eventually she finds the “”seal-skin”” which … Read more


Meaning of the name Thomas. Listen and learn how to pronounce Thomas so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: The Irish form of Thomas, a biblical name meaning “”twin.”” GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Thomas Tomas PRONUNCIATION: “toh + moss” ENGLISH: Thomas AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Thomas and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Thomas:Play Audio for Thomas Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish names and what they mean. Discover 15 Lucky Irish Baby Names For Your Little One! The Irish Post – … Read more


Meaning of the name Timothy. Listen and learn how to pronounce Timothy so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Irish name meaning “”a poet”” or “”a philosopher.”” In one legend, at the Battle of Clontarf (read the legend) in 1014 Tadhg Mór(“”Big Tadhg””) O’Kelly is reported to have fought “”like a wolf dog”” before he was overcome by the Vikings and killed. When he fell a ferocious animal came from the ocean to protect the dead body of the chieftain until it was retrieved by his O’Kelly kinsmen. “”A most extraordinary creature, it had the head … Read more