
Meaning of the name Bairre. Listen and learn how to pronounce Bairre so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Meaning “”fair-haired,”” the name has been popular since the sixth century when St. Finbar came to an area of Cork that was being tormented by a serpent. The people begged him to do something to help them. One night he went to where the serpent was sleeping and sprinkled it with holy water. The angry serpent tore and devoured the land until she slithered into the sea at Cork Harbor. The track she left behind filled … Read more


Meaning of the name Barra. Listen and learn how to pronounce Barra so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Meaning “”fair-haired,”” the name has been popular since the sixth century when St. Finbar came to an area of Cork that was being tormented by a serpent. The people begged him to do something to help them. One night he went to where the serpent was sleeping and sprinkled it with holy water. The angry serpent tore and devoured the land until she slithered into the sea at Cork Harbor. The track she left behind filled … Read more


Meaning of the name Barry. Listen and learn how to pronounce Barry so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Meaning “”fair-haired,”” the name has been popular since the sixth century when St. Finbar came to an area of Cork that was being tormented by a serpent. The people begged him to do something to help them. One night he went to where the serpent was sleeping and sprinkled it with holy water. The angry serpent tore and devoured the land until she slithered into the sea at Cork Harbor. The track she left behind filled … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Bartley. Listen and learn how to pronounce Bartley so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: The name of one of the twelve apostles, it is the Irish form of the Hebrew name Bartholemew “”Son of Talmai.”” Bartley is also a derivation of the name Parthalon who was the leader of the first people to occupy Ireland after the Biblical flood, about 2,800 BC, and who, according to legend, brought agriculture to their new homeland. As such it is not really an Irish name although it was in relatively common … Read more


Meaning of the name Bert. Listen and learn how to pronounce Bert so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: The name of one of the twelve apostles, it is the Irish form of the Hebrew name Bartholemew “”Son of Talmai.”” Bartley is also a derivation of the name Parthalon who was the leader of the first people to occupy Ireland after the Biblical flood, about 2,800 BC, and who, according to legend, brought agriculture to their new homeland. As such it is not really an Irish name although it was in relatively common usage in … Read more


Meaning of the name Bertie. Listen and learn how to pronounce Bertie so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: The name of one of the twelve apostles, it is the Irish form of the Hebrew name Bartholemew “”Son of Talmai.”” Bartley is also a derivation of the name Parthalon who was the leader of the first people to occupy Ireland after the Biblical flood, about 2,800 BC, and who, according to legend, brought agriculture to their new homeland. As such it is not really an Irish name although it was in relatively common usage in … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Bradan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Bradan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: Comes from the word bradan meaning “”a salmon”” in Irish and the bradan feasa, the “”Salmon of Knowledge”” (read the legend) is central to the tales of Fionn MacCool (read the legend). GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Bradan PRONUNCIATION: “”bray + dawn”” ENGLISH: Braden AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Bradan and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Bradan:Play Audio for Bradan Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular … Read more


Meaning of the name Braden. Listen and learn how to pronounce Braden so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Comes from the word bradan meaning “”a salmon”” in Irish and the bradan feasa, the “”Salmon of Knowledge”” (read the legend) is central to the tales of Fionn MacCool (read the legend). GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Braden Bradan PRONUNCIATION: “bray + dawn” ENGLISH: Braden AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Braden and read along with the meaning)Play Audio for Braden:Play Audio for Braden Back to Irish Boy Names Around the Web: 23 popular Irish … Read more


Meaning of the name Brandan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brandan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: There are at least seventeen saints who bear the name but St. Breandan the Navigator is probably the best known. Tradition has it that he was born in County Kerry, set sail in a small boat with a group of monks in the early 6th century, visited an island inhabited by birdmen, rode on the back of a whale and was the first European to set foot on the shores of the Americas, nearly a thousand … Read more


Meaning of the name Brandon. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brandon so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: There are at least seventeen saints who bear the name but St. Breandan the Navigator is probably the best known. Tradition has it that he was born in County Kerry, set sail in a small boat with a group of monks in the early 6th century, visited an island inhabited by birdmen, rode on the back of a whale and was the first European to set foot on the shores of the Americas, nearly a thousand … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Breandan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Breandan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: There are at least seventeen saints who bear the name but St. Breandan the Navigator is probably the best known. Tradition has it that he was born in County Kerry, set sail in a small boat with a group of monks in the early 6th century, visited an island inhabited by birdmen, rode on the back of a whale and was the first European to set foot on the shores of the Americas, nearly … Read more


Meaning of the name Brendan. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brendan so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: There are at least seventeen saints who bear the name but St. Breandan the Navigator is probably the best known. Tradition has it that he was born in County Kerry, set sail in a small boat with a group of monks in the early 6th century, visited an island inhabited by birdmen, rode on the back of a whale and was the first European to set foot on the shores of the Americas, nearly a thousand … Read more


Meaning of the Irish name Brian. Listen and learn how to pronounce Brian so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish boy name. MEANING: From brigh “”high, noble, strong.”” This is one of the most widespread Irish names ever, in honour of the most revered High King of Ireland, Brian Boru (read the legend) who defeated an army of invading Vikings at the Battle of Clontarf in 1014 but died of wounds he received in the battle. Kincora – a poem by James Clarence Mangan (translated). GENDER: Boy | Male IRISH NAME: Brian PRONUNCIATION: “”bree + an”” ENGLISH: Brian (pron. “”bry … Read more